Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We're back

It has been a bit since I have been on here. In that time I have been busy with school and finishing up clinical...I just can't seem to get in the groove to want to do anything at all. This semester isn't hard or really that demanding at all and I just seem to not be able to get into it, thank goodness it is almost over! We also had our first appointment with the OB doctor. The appointment was on Monday and she figured that I was right about 6 weeks along and so she decided to wait to do an ultrasound until I was 8 weeks, so the ultrasound is two Mondays from now. That will be pretty exciting! So this week I have been feeling pretty crappy...I truly thought that maybe I would skip the whole feeling sick thing, but apparently I'm not. I haven't actually barfed but I have had horrible bouts of nauseousness, but it comes with the territory I guess! Other than that I have been really exhausted and a bit emotional, but nothing Steve hasn't been able to!!

Actually speaking of Steve he has been super!!! He went with me to my Dr. appointment and he has been really great at helping out and helping me when I am not feeling the best. Well since I have an essay that is due tomorrow for school and I am not finished with it, I will be going and will return soon!

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