Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sinking In...a little

So yesterday was a rather interesting day for me, with lots of up and downs. Steve has been ecstatic since he saw the plus sign on the test...not just a bit excited but ECSTATIC!!! I am glad that his reaction was not negative, but HOW WELL he reacted has been a bit overwhelming as well. I was excited, yet couldn't imagine telling everyone and how much our lives are going to change. We thought if our plans on moving to Texas would change!?! We decided that our plans should stay the same and still move because it is whats best for our Texas is still in the plans.

Now the topic of telling our families. My idea was to wait until graduation and tell everyone together and have a few more things figured out before we tell everyone...well Steve wasn't so keen on that idea! He wanted to shout from a roof-top and tell everyone right then...I wasn't so comfortable with that! Well after much talk and much debate HE called and gave the news to my mom. It wasn't so bad and now I am relieved that we did tell her. Now it is the job of calling everyone else and telling them! We will probably be checking more names off the list tonight when he gets home...God help me!

So I bought the "What to Expect When Your Expecting" book yesterday so I can read up on all the dos and don'ts of the next nine months as well as, all the weird, crazy things that my body will be doing. "YAY" I called and scheduled my first pre-natal visit for November 6th! That at least makes it seem a little more for real, although I'm sure I will believe it's real in as little as a few weeks when I can smell as well as Mabel and Shea (our two dogs) and am barfing all day! The things to look forward too ;)

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